Gökalp Kanatsız, Can MemişoğullarıSónar+D AV Performance
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Saturday 2722:15 - 22:45
SonarScreen by Converse by Converse
Gökalp Kanatsız and Can Memişoğulları are coming to Sónar Istanbul.

Gökalp Kanatsız is a composer, sound designer and music director based in Istanbul. Over the past years he has collaborated on various projects, mostly with Nohlab, a studio specialized in producing interdisciplinary experiences involving art, design and technology, and other creative studios. Her current work aims to create immersive experiences by making connections between auditory and visual elements in artworks.


Can Memişoğulları started his artistic journey by studying composition at Istanbul Bilgi University Music Department and graduated in 2020. During his undergraduate education, he started to produce installations by working on the relationship between sound and space. Then, he started to create real-time graphics systems for the visualization of sound, bringing a new dimension to his art practice; he started to design audiovisual installations and performances.