Stanislav GlazovSónar+D AV Performance
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Saturday 2701:30 - 02:00
SonarScreen by Converse by Converse
Stanislav Glazov, who produces music with modular synthesizers and analog devices, is coming to Sónar Istanbul.

For 20+ years, he has explored innovative opportunities at the intersection of art and technology. His works address inner and social freedom, consciousness, identity, and loneliness in the modern pre-dystopian world. He creates high-tech installations and AV performances with deep interaction between sound and visuals. Each work is individualized, with unique technical algorithms and synchronized sound with cinematic visuals and digital shapes. His large-scale installations and live performances explore meaning and narration within a self-written audio-visual language.


He produces music with modular synthesizers and analog devices, nfluenced by industrial music and creating a combination of noise, disharmony, and shamanism.